Who Would I Meet?
Hello internet friends!
You know that 'get to know you question' that is always asked? "Who would you want to meet dead or alive if you had the chance?"
Well today I thought I would share my list of ten people with you. Some people just have the most incredible life experience and stories, don't they?
1. Jesus - Of course would be incredible to hear his wisdom and his point of view on the world in the past, present and future.
2. Jennifer Lawrence - Need I say more?
3. Julie Andrews - Imagine all the amazing stories she would be able to tell. She's such a brilliant actress and singer and would have had so many interesting experiences throughout her life.
4. Rachel McAdams - I adore in every movie she's in. She's a great actress (and I wouldn't mind having her looks either)!
5. Someone from the 1920s - I have a fascination with the 1920s. The fashion, the makeup, the dancing, the language - everything about it makes me fantasise about living in that time.
6. Grace Kelly - An actress turned Princess. I admire her not only as an actress but as a person. It must have been so difficult to give up her successful acting career to live the strict life of a royal. My mum has also told me that she thinks I'll look like her when I'm older. I've watched some movies she's in and in some scenes I really did see the resembelence…weird! I don't think I'll ever be as beautiful as her though!
7. Heath Ledger - A brilliant actor who dedicated his life to being in character. It is however, unfortunate that this probably lead to his death. It would be interesting to hear his point of view on his acting methods and whether he would go back and change anything or not if he had the chance.
8. Zoe Sugg - The most adorable YouTuber… She has a great personality and her videos are brilliant. I would just love to be her friend!
9. Geoffrey Rush - One Australian actor who has actually made a name for himself. He is such a talented man and I admire his work a lot.
10. Beatrix Potter - Her story to get her stories out into the world is really inspiring to me. Her Hill Top house and property is stunning and I hope to travel there one day.
So that's my list of 10 people that I would love to meet. Imagine the crazy mix of people if we all had dinner or something together…at least all the actors would probably get along! I hope you enjoyed getting a little insight into my brain and the people who inspire and intrigue me with the stories of their life experiences. Let me know in the comments who you would love to meet, dead or alive!
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