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Favourites Of The Nail Polish Variety
Hello internet friends!
I decided to share my current favourite nail polishes, so here is my first review! I shall try my best and if you have any suggestions please leave a comment below!
Let’s get into it!
I’ll start by telling you what I’m currently wearing. I work in a takeaway store, so if I do have nail polish on it is usually a nude colour because technically I’m not supposed to wear any. So the colour I’m wearing on my fingernails at the moment is the Rimmel London Pro in 365 Beige Style. First of all, I’ll admit that they could have been more creative with the name. On the other hand, I adore Rimmel nail polishes. It is a drugstore product so it won’t blow your beauty budget and it is so easy to apply. The brushes are flat, so as you apply it, the brush fans out to the shape of your nail - easy! So especially for those of you who are a bit messy and too uncoordinated to apply nail polish like myself, I highly recommend Rimmel.
In keeping with Rimmel nail polishes, I am also loving the Rimmel London 60 Seconds in 210 Ethereal. Again the name is odd, but this colour is my current favourite of the lot! It has a beautiful shimmer to it and I honestly get distracted by it when i catch a glimpse of it on my nails. It also reminds me of unicorns...For some reason I think that unicorns would be this colour - including the gorgeous shimmer. The only thing that I don't like about this product is that I'm not quite convinced by the 60 second drying time that it boasts. However, once again, it also has an easy to apply brush which makes it instantly amazing and this nail polish simply makes me happy when I wear it (probably because I like the thought of unicorn nails).
The next nail polish I am loving at the moment is by an Australian brand called Models Prefer in the shade Tinseltown. It’s a beautiful light pink shade that suits a lot of different skin tones. My hands are an olive colour and I’ve found that some darker shades of pink nail polish are a bit too bright and clash with my skin tone. Tinseltown however, is a shade that I think would suit both fair and darker skin tones. This colour also reminds me of fairy floss so I also love it for that reason. Models Prefer is also a drugstore brand and it is very cheap, which initially put me off from the brand. It did make me wonder what the quality would be like, but I’ve found that although it may need two or more coats, it lasts really well and their colour range is amazing.
Models Prefer shade I am currently loving is called Show Off. It’s a great bright orange colour perfect for summer! It has a hint of coral as well, so it isn’t completely overpoweringly orange. I love wearing bright colours over the summer and it’s a nice change from my normal nude and pale colours that I tend to go for.
So these are my current favourite nail polishes!
Just a quick update:
I am currently studying for my final exam of my first year of university at the moment so I am a tad busy with study. I did however write a massive list of blog posts to come (which I wrote in my procrastination time this morning), and these will be posted over the coming weeks. So stay tuned!
I hope you enjoyed this quick review, and don’t forget to leave a comment letting me know your suggestions for my reviews and what your current favourite nail polishes are :)
H xx
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