Fitness Challenge
Hello internet friends! About a week ago I had a CATS Bootcamp which was basically just spending the day with the theatre company doing workshops. I did a 90 minute vocal workshop, 90 minutes of costume fitting and creating my character (my cat is named Ragamuffin), 90 minutes of learning the makeup, and a 90 minute choreography workshop. Today I mainly wanted to tell you about the choreography workshop. So in my "tribe" of about 15 people (group I will rehearse with because there's over 800 people in the cast...) left the freezing air-conditioned vocal room with relief and looked forward to warming up in the choreography session! Apart from learning a snippet of a dance for the show, we were taught how to move and interact as a cat - which was fun getting back into acting because I have missed it so much! But to get to the point - the most interesting part of this session was learning about how to be a musical theatre performer in terms of health and fitness. We wer...